Tania Manco

Tania Manco

Student. Developer

© 2019

ROR in three weeks

Its the end of the ninth week into the Coding Bootcamp, which makes it’s precisely the middle of my way to become a knowledgable developer. Past three weeks, I was learning Ruby on Rails with all the “magical” things this framework has to offer. The past three weeks flew by so fast; I still can’t believe it. The first week was full of lectures and more specific practice about smaller topics such as forms and more complex functionality. The first week I felt very confident with my knowledge level, but it came to colossal self-doubt later in the second week.

I got sick and spent the weekend trying to continue with our routine (Proud to say I did it!), following some calls from daycare that my boys got sick too. Thanks to a supporting husband and coaches, I manged the second week being with the ones who needed me the most and stayed on track academically. SO proud of myself! Olso happened in the second week; we had a code challenge; by the time we finished, I was pleasantly surprised it was simple. I was pretty confident I will be able to continue “risk-free” to the third model.

What went wrong, you might ask. I had a small issue with my collection select field in my form on my last task. I couldn’t figure out what it was because of time limitation, and something else got broken so, I did not pass the code challenge. So I was assigned to do my model two final project all by myself plus a code challenge retake in front of my coaches.

I was disappointed with the outcomes, considering the fact I felt good about this code challenge. I decided to take advantage of the situation and enjoy the solo project process and learn as much as possible to solidify my knowledge.

My coding project is about activity crates and subscriptions, inspired by a fantastic company we subscribed too.
(For 10$ your first box follow the link https://www.kiwico.com/Refer?i=TaniaM38)

While working, I saw my project getting bigger and functioning; I felt driven and excited about it as I coded along. I spent a good portion of my weekend and after boys bedtime to work and brush up my project. I am thrilled with the final result. Just nine weeks ago, I was overwhelmed and knew nothing but look at me now! I can build an app all by myself back-end & front-end using HTML, CSS & Rails.

Live coding challenge in front of my coaches was stressful, and in my mind, I was fricking out about it the whole day. Understanding the logic behind the idea helped me tremendously to calm down and walk-in into that room more confident. Taking it as an excellent opportunity to articulate my code and get ready for those job interviews I am about to face.

Knowing and being prepared for things you might encounter makes it easier to cope and concentrate on the more important. Embracing my discomfort zone is something they teach you every single test, assessment & feedback. As all of us, I don’t like receiving less pleasant feedback; it takes practice and self-awareness to know how to handle one. I believe that encounters with less enjoyable situations make you stronger and prepared for any situation in life.

By the way, I Passed to model number three; I was told to keep up my enthusiasm and gain little more self-confidence.

So Java Script, Here I come!