Tania Manco

Tania Manco

Student. Developer

© 2019

Module 2 - Ruby on rails

Week #8

We have been learning Ruby on Rails; Rails is a framework that gives us web developers a structure for all the code we write. It helps us to build websites and applications because it abstracts and simplifies everyday repetitive tasks.

As I mentioned earlier in my blog I repeated Ruby Core module, at first I was disappointed with myself but now I’m pleased I had to do that in order to fully understand routes and how to retrieve and use information properly.

Learning to code is hard, but I enjoy the challenge. It’s just like learning a new language because that’s what law is; computer language. It allows us as coders to develop a word to make a computer behave a certain way.

Learning a new language is also challenging but very rewarding. It’s like being allowed in on a secret or something new. When you start to understand it’s like coming over a wall or having someone turn the lights on in a dark room. You go from not understanding to understanding, and it’s great.

My routine is getting better, and I have been able to manage my time and keep my life and my family’s life on schedule. The boys are still enjoying their later bedtime, I think it makes them feel a bit more grown-up.

I’m enjoying the classes and the challenges of learning. It’s been an emotional roller-coaster always has to think about the long hours my little ones spend in daycare and how our nutrition became so unbalanced and based on take-outs and on the other hand im doing something for me and eventually for the whole family. I really like the phrase “You can’t pour from an empty glass”, I am obsessed with my kids and couldn’t ask for anything better but I really need to take care of myself too. It seemed like an impossible thing to do at first, so I’m happy and proud of myself I manage to keep going. I am feeling much more confident every day, and that seems to make the learning more accessible.

It’s excellent having met all these other people learning code with me. It’s nice to have like-minded people to hang out with. We all learn from each other, help each other, and it’s fun to talk about stuff that we all like and understand. Being able to gain new friends from different modules is even better.

We were all talking about the stress levels and the uncertainty we feel, and I was so relieved to hear that I wasn’t the only one. There is something very comforting in knowing that some of the other students were feeling the same as me. Just like we share our knowledge, we share the same fears, as well.

I am coping with the stress much better; I guess my confidence is growing as I learn more and make it through the assignments. I am enjoying it more, too, so that’s good. It makes learning more comfortable when you are not paralyzed with fear or worrying all the time that you won’t understand or fearing failure.

I have been thinking about all the different ways I can use my new skills as a coder. There are many various opportunities that I never really thought of before. Coders can work anywhere and in a lot of different areas. Writing codes for apps, computer systems, databases, develop websites, so much!

It’s also comforting to be going into an occupation where there will be a need for coders. Until they can program a computer to program itself and write code, I will be fine.

It’s gratifying to be learning something new as an adult. It’s taken quite a bit of adjustment, and I’ve had to concentrate and focus on getting my homework done. It’s funny how that skill leaves when you no longer have to use it.

Managing my time has been a learning experience, as well. I already had a full schedule, so it was quite an adjustment to fit in classes and homework. I’m getting better at it, and it’s coming much more comfortable as I learn and understand more about coding.

The adjustments to my and my family’s life and schedule will be well worth the effort when I am finally a certified coder and can find rewarding work. It takes a lot of time and patience, and I need to take the time to practice a lot, so it becomes natural and second nature to me. As long as I stay motivated and enjoy the learning process, I will be happy and make it through the classes.

I look forward each week to the new lessons, and I’m very proud of myself for doing this and getting through it. My family has been a great support, and so have my fellow students.

If you looking for a career pivot and considering coding or have another question feel free to DM me.