Tania Manco

Tania Manco

Student. Developer

© 2019

Journey Begins!

Hey I’m Tania! I’m a 32-year-old mother of two rambunctious toddlers and a wife to Max. I have a lot on my plate right now, but I really wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m following my dreams while taking care of the people that I love. Most days, I’m living my version of my best life.

For many years, I worked in the hospitality industry overseas and in the States. While I loved what I did (most days), I wanted something different. Plus, I needed a career path that was a little more flexible as my family grew.

My husband Max is a talented software developer. As I began my transition out of the hospitality industry, I decided to set out to figure out what my next steps would be. As I learned more and more about what Max did, my curiosity began to grow.

A New Path

That’s when I decided to do a deep dive into software development. Like many people, I felt like a fish out of water! But then I got myself together and just started with some popular free resources for learning web development. Some of the courses that I tried included the online version of Harvard’s famous introduction to computer science, CS50, Codecademy’s Web Development course, and too many others to count.

While the free resources that I tried were great, I felt that I needed something more. For one thing, I definitely wanted more structure to my learning path. Being a mother of two young toddlers, I also wanted to interact with other people who had the same goals as I did.

I then made the decision to enroll in a web development bootcamp. Since I really wanted to go all in on this new path, I felt that enrolling in a bootcamp would be the best thing for me. I not only wanted to prove my mettle as a future web developer, but I also wanted to learn from talented professionals that have worked in the tech space.

What This Blog Is About

This blog is my chronicle about my time in my web development bootcamp. But I will also write on topics related to personal development as self-improvement is one of my passions. But what will be my unique twist on this topic is that I will write about personal development through the lens of motherhood. Some of the other topics that will get covered on my blog include some of the difficulties I encounter on this journey, as well as some lighter subjects. Don’t worry. This blog will be mostly positive. But I also believe that it’s important to keep it real at times.

Take a look around. If my journey resonates with you, feel free to come back often. Leave a comment or kind word if you want. I’ll provide regular updates on my blog and social media channels. You should especially reach out if you’re also considering transitioning into web development. I can point you to several free and paid resources that can help you.